Micro 10: New Eyes, New Discoveries – Unearthing Hidden Gems in Your Community

Discover hidden gems in your community

Photo by Valdemaras D. on Unsplash

Join us as we explore the magic of seeing your community with fresh eyes. In this episode, we share tips on how to uncover hidden gems right in your neighborhood. Hear about our recent move, the surprising treasure discovered at our new local library, and how programs like smARTpass can open doors to amazing cultural experiences. Whether you’ve just moved or lived in the same place for years, you’ll find inspiration to rediscover the familiar with a sense of adventure and curiosity.

I’m Mindy Peterson, host of Enhance Life with Music podcast, where we explore the ways music makes our lives better. And this is Microhance, a micro-dose of musical enhancement.

Today’s tip is to pretend you are new to your community, and see what hidden gems you discover right under your nose.

My husband Ian and I recently downsized and moved out of our home of 18 years where we raised our kids. We’re empty nesters now and were ready to simply life. We didn’t move real far – just about 15 minutes away – but far enough that we are exploring what our new community offers in the way of parks, restaurants, retail, and other amenities. Since I love reading and am a library nerd, the local library was one of my first stops.

I walked in for the first time and was taking everything in – the shelves of books, the smell of books, the hushed voices, and sense I always get in a library of anticipation for whatever fresh discovery and inspiration awaits me on THIS visit.

There was the in-demand new-arrivals section; kids collection; teen area; computer and printer stations. I noted the coloring tables – a fun idea I hadn’t seen in a library before; and identified the Hold shelves to pick up future items that I reserve from other locations. Then I saw the kiosk of community brochures and flyers. Being new to the community, I definitely wanted to check out what it had to offer.

And that’s where I saw it: the smARTpass brochure. smARTpass is one word, all lowercase except the A-R-T in “smart”. I was definitely intrigued. Turns out, smARTpass allows library card holders to “check out” free tickets to see shows (and visit museums). You just visit the website and log in to view Events in your area with smARTpass tickets available. Definitely qualifies as a new treasure discovered!

By then, a helpful librarian had approached me and asked if I had any questions. In the course of our conversation, I learned that smARTpass was not new and it was available in the library system I had just moved out of. This made me realize that I have not browsed or observed much of anything in my previous library – other than the path to the Hold shelf to pick up whatever material was being held for me – probably for years. When my kids were young, I would look around regularly, while my kids were picking out books or we were waiting for storytime to begin. At that time there was a Museumpass program that we used regularly, until it was discontinued.

At some point after that, my kids became old enough that I wasn’t being forced to slow down and observe while in the library, and my efficiency-nerd side took over. Errands became more about getting from point A to B as quickly as possible – which has its perks, don’t get me wrong, but also means I completely missed the launch of this new smARTpass program… until a move forced me to slow down and observe.

This realization reminded me of one of my favorite quotes. Proust said: “The real voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”

I want to clarify that I am all about paying for art and musical experiences. I also recognize that people have varying levels of financial resources – and “different strokes for different folks.” Programs like smARTpass offer a low-stakes opportunity to try out different arts disciplines and genres and venues to see what may resonate most with you, AND expand your horizons and palate.

So… pretend you just moved to your community and see what discoveries your voyage brings, not with a new landscape, but in having new eyes.

And be sure your voyage includes your local library – if they don’t have smARTpass, they probably have the equivalent. If they don’t, introduce them to the concept. If you work for an Arts Organization and would like to partner with smARTpass, contact your local program – or help your library system start one!

If you have new musical experiences through a smARTpass-type program – or through another new-eyes experience – I would love to hear about it.

You can always connect with me on email (mindy@mpetersonmusic.com), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

I’m Mindy Peterson, and I hope this inspires you to enhance your life with music.

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